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Foodpanda/Uber Eats整合功能

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We have been hard at work to prepare you a new, exciting version of QUEUE. Among the usual performance and usability improvements, we’re also excited to share a few highlights:

Foodpanda and Uber Eats integration is now widely available. This means that you can manage your menu, availability and handle all your incoming orders directly from QUEUE. No need to run separate tablets or key in the orders manually.

We have designed the integration to work with both single and multiple brands setups. In other words, you can run any combination of platform and brands from your phone or tablet.

A few feature highlights

  • 全面同步菜單 - 新增或修改菜單,並同步至Foodpanda/Uber Eats外送平台
  • Incoming orders are shown directly on your device.
  • 直接從QUEUE接受或拒絕訂單
  • Brand availability status can be changed individually for each brand directly from QUEUE

The new version is expected to roll out next week. As always, please make sure all your connected devices are updated to avoid any compatibility issues.



1. 單一或多個品牌整合服務申請

Fill out the integration application online (link) and we'll get back to you with confirmation as soon as you are ready to start the integration.

2. 使用QUEUE設定菜單整合

Set up your menu either directly through your device or through the web admin interface. You can specify specific translations and availability for all aspects of your menu from categories, products to variant levels.


3.A Connect your Uber Eats brands with QUEUE

請至 QUEUE Admin External Platforms -> Uber Stores. Press Connect and select the brands that you want to connect to QUEUE.

連結Uber Eats

3.B Connect your Foodpanda brands with QUEUE

Provide your customer success contact with the vendor codes provided by Foodpanda. We will setup the connection and notify Foodpanda to setup the integration in their end.

4. 品牌設定

Create a new QUEUE Brand menu and map it to your Uber Eats and/or Foodpanda brands. Specify the menu availability hours and chose what QUEUE menu categories should be included in the Brand menu.

5. 同步菜單

You are now ready to synchronize your menus. When pressing the Sync Menu button, your menu will automatically be synchronized to Uber Eats and/or Foodpanda.


Handle incoming orders

All incoming orders will appear directly in QUEUE. You can turn on notifications on a device level if you want an audible alert when new orders have arrived. Brands can be turned on and off individually, and you have the option to automatically accept all incoming orders.

