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QUEUE 讓您快速輕鬆地處理各種訂單,包括快速訂單、點單區、候位單或顧客自助訂單。




您可以在「設定」 > 「店鋪」 > 「訂單」中啟用/停用不同的訂單類型。

Quick order快速點單訂單在付款完成前,訂單內容不會在所有登入的裝置之間同步。此訂單類型適用於短時間、快速完成的訂單。




Select order type


切換到「點單區」標籤來查看現在的點單區類別和點單區桌位。點擊任何空白訂單區塊以建立新的訂單。 長按已開桌的訂單區塊,可以在同一桌位新增多筆訂單。

Select order type



Select order type



If you want to add a comment or add product option to a product, press on the item in the cart and the available options are shown automatically. Make the required changes and press Save.

Menu view


Choose a different menu layout like Category view, or Category bar view if your menu contains a large number of categories and products for easier navigation.

Edit order

To make changes on a order level press the option button in the upper right corner and select Edit

Edit order

Depending on what options you've enabled for your store, the following options are available:

  1. Add/modify a custom order name. This name will be stored on the order and available when an order is printed or completed
  2. Specify the number of customers associated with this order
  3. Allow keep open during closing. For long running orders, you can chose to allow this order to stay open even when performing a full closing.
  4. Toggle service charge for this order
  5. Select custom Order tags
  6. Order responsible. Designate a staff as the order responsible. This can be useful for reporting purposes.

Execute order

When the products in the cart are added correctly you can chose to execute the order by pressed the Execute button. All open items are now marked and executed, optional tickets printed and if there are no more open items in the cart it's possible to go the payment.

Execute order


You can execute and go directly to Payment if no other changes to the cart are required. The Payment button will be enabled if the staff has the required permissions and all items can be executed.

Order actions

Sometimes it's necessary to move or split an order. Order actions help you quickly make changes to an existing order that automatically synchronised across all devices.

Move orderMove an order section order or tab order to a new order section
Merge ordersMerge the items of one order into an existing order. The source order will be deleted from the system after the merge
Split orderSplit an order into two orders separating by line items
Multi splitSplit an order into multiple orders by dragging and dropping the line items
Reorder cartIf you want reorganize the items in your cart, for example, if you want the items to be printed in a specific order
DeleteDelete an order from the system